Quarta, Janeiro 9, 2019
We are pleased to announce that the APPLICATION to restart "MAC ADDRESS" and "STREAMLINES" is finished, as many people requested it.
This APP was created to facilitate the administrators to have a little more free space in their day to day, this app with simple configuration steps is able to allow both clients and resellers to restart their memberships without having to wait for the answer of a Reseller or an administrator who manages the "Xtream-Codes V2" panel directly or indirectly. With this APP at the same time you allow to restart the memberships of the "Detect VPN / proxies / servers & ISP lock" function that is in the category "Security plug-ins" allowing that if the client made the mistake of using a VPN, he can restart your membership without waiting for support.
It even deletes the following data from a membership in the "MAG Devices" category
STB Info:
Serial Number:
Device ID 1:
Device ID 2:
PORTAL version:
API Version:
STB API version:
Player Engine version:
Allowing that if the end customer has problems with their "SMART STB" or "STB Emulator" and change their "MAC ADDRESS" as it usually happens or simply change their "DEVICE ID" he can restart this information without any support wait of any kind .
It also has a function that with the same process cleans the data in the client's membership when you use the function "Lock user to his ISP" you also allow the client to move from one ISP to another just by restarting his "MAC ADDRESS" or your "STREAMLINE" membership
In a few words it helps you at all times with what your panel is not able to do in just one CLICK.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This web application is designed exclusively for ADMINISTRATORS of XTREAM-CODES panels Version 2, this tool can not be used by resellers.
We hope you like it.